You know, there will always be those days where you wake up feeling more emotional than usual. It maybe that you've been feeling sick or tired for a few days on the trot, or that stress at work or at home has got you down and as a result you just can't be bothered to do your workout that day or stick to your nutrition plan. That's completely normal and to be fair if it's the odd day, it's never gonna hurt you.
What is a problem, is if that one day turns into two or three and suddenly a whole week has gone by and you've gone completely off-track. Now it's so much harder to get back to it and here starts the slippery slope to hit and miss nutrition and workouts. Suddenly the fatigue, aches and pains and emotional ups and downs are much more evident and all these things that you so wanted to avoid are the very things stopping you from enjoying the fabulous pregnancy you dreamed of...
The great news is that just a simple 2 minute exercise morning, afternoon and evening will keep you positive, focussed and feeling so excited about all the great times to come!
OK have you got a pen and paper?
I want you to list out all the reasons why it is so important to you to stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy.
You can list them by category:
So...eating well, exercising safely and effectively, remaining positive and emotionally balanced
and by the benefits they will bring:
a)to you
b)to your baby
Don't rush this bit, it may take you a little while to get right to the core of what's important to you, but that's what you really need to identify. Once you have this then I want you to condense it into a written statement of your core values. What you should end up with is a short but deep and meaningful statement that truly identifies with your deepest core values surrounding what you envision for your pregnancy.
Write this statement on a card and put it next to your bed so you can read it morning and night and also pop a duplicate card in your handbag so you can read it whenever you need a boost or a quick reminder during the day.
You'll be amazed at the difference it makes to you when you've got a major case of the "I can't be bothered's"!