Wednesday, November 26, 2008

15 Minutes to a Sexy Pregnant Body

Did you know that you can get a sexy toned pregnancy figure in just 15 minutes?

No more slogging it out on the treadmill for 45 minutes or doing long boring exercise routines that zap what's left of your remaining energy so that you feel worse than before you started!

But is it possible to get a thorough workout in just 15 minutes?

Sure it is, but you need to work out strategically. There's no point in just zoning out and watching TV, whilst you half-heartedly pedal away on a bike for 15 minutes, as you'll never get the results you're looking for. You need to plan to win!

As long as you are doing the right modality of exercise and targeting the key pregnancy hotspots you'll find that you look fitter, more toned and sexier than ever before. Plus these short burst workouts are the perfect way to energise a tired mind, help rid you of nausea and sickness and pep up a sluggish and tired body.

So what is the "right" exercise and where do you need to target?

Resistance training
is your golden ticket to a sexy toned pregnant body and a healthy baby to boot!

Resistance training builds lean muscle which will increase your metabolic rate and literally melt away any excess fat that is surplus to your pregnancy needs. Not only that but by targeting your resistance training to the pregnancy hotspots you'll find that you become even stronger and fitter than before you conceived, as resistanace training whilst pregnant is actually more effective than when you are not pregnant! Bonus huh?

It has also been found that babies born to women who exercised regularly through preganancy carry less fat on them, are more adaptable to stress outside the womb and are generally happier than those born to women who never or rarely exercised whilst pregnant.

The key areas you need to hit are the ones that your changing body shape will put strain on, i.e. your pelvic stability, your mid back and your neck and shoulders.

Your changing body shape means that as your bump grows your centre of gravity will change. Your bump will force your pelvis to tilt forward, increaisng the the strain on your lower back; your shoulders will also start to round forward as your chest grows heavier and drops down and in and your head will migrate forward to counter balance all this, putting strain on your upper back and neck.

Therefore you need to concentrate your efforts on strengthening these areas in particular.

A sample workout

Squats x 6-10

Rows x 6-10

Step Ups x 6-10 (each side)

Reverse Flys x 6-10

Spiderman Lunge x 6-10 (each side)

Repeat as a circuit 2 - 5 times through depending upon your existing exercise level.

DISCLAIMER: Please note: check with your physician prior to starting a new exercise programme. This blog post is for informational purposes only and is not meant to replace the advice of your pregnancy health care team. If you choose to follow the sample workout provided you must ask a certified personal trainer or coach to show you how to perform the movements safely and effectively.)

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