Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Prepare Your Pregnancy Pantry!

In the last email I sent you on nutrition we talked about how certain foods act as toxins in your body and pollute your system, making it harder to control things like morning sickness, extreme fatigue, water retention and swelling and other pregnancy ailments.

I asked you to make a note of what you've been eating over the past 3 days so that you can start to identify which foods you rely on most and which of those foods are on the banned list. So by now you should have a pretty good idea of where your weak points are.

So today we are going to kickstart you on the way to nutritional success over the next 9 months by sorting out your cupboards, so that you always have a healthy option to reach for.

First off, I want you to take a good look at your food journal and pick out all the items on there that are classified as one of the toxins we identified earlier this week. These are:



Processed Dairy (execpt eggs, live yoghurt and real butter)

Processed foods (anything that has non-natural ingredients, like chemicals additives and stabilisers)


Sugar (including natural sugars like honey)


Now that you know what those items are, I want you to come up with an alternative meal or snack that contains only natural food sources. So for example, if you had cornflakes, (a processed food), and milk, (processed dairy), for breakfast, you could replace this with steel cut porridge oats cooked with almond milk - two naturally occuring foods that have no tampering involved in their manufacture.

Or if you regularly have a sandwich for lunch on wheat based bread you could replace this with rye bread, millet bread, rice bread or another wheat free alternative.

Once you have a list of all your alternatives, the next thing to do is clean out your cupboards and replace all the toxinous food items with their natural alternatives. Simple, but highly effective!

Now be sure to throw out all the banned items. Don't be tempted to put them to the back of your cupboards for "later" as I guarantee you'll be tempted to eat them!

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